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Available Services 



  • Utilize skills in motivation, persuasion and negotiations to propel project forward.

  • As opportunities and problems arises, take the initiative to spotlight and resolve in a collaborative manner.

  • As required, assist department leads in developing schedules to support the project milestones.

  • Promptly inform senior management if project goes off course and cannot achieve the project objectives.  Develop a recovery plan.


  • Actively coordinate the cross functional  team.  Team often includes the Client, Industrial Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Test, Sales, Product Management, Compliance, Finance, Operations, Contract Manufacturers and others...

  • Survey key team members to understand deliverables they require from others (dependencies).  Seek commitment from other parties to support and  complete on time.


  • Determine and publish agendas.

  • Lead and facilitate cross functional integration meetings.

  • Discuss and assign tasks accordingly.

  • Capture key discussion points, decisions and tasks.  Publish meeting notes and action steps as required.


  • Develop, publish and maintain a cross functional integrated detailed project schedule.  Utilize MS Project or other collaborative or cloud based tool.

  • Monitor the progress and compare to the schedule.  If slippage occurs, pursue recovery steps.  If opportunities arise, pull in deliverables to derisk.

  • Emphasize managing critical path and key dependencies. 


  • Develop, publish and maintain high level time lines.

  • Utilize for easy clear communications and executive level strategic decision making.


  • Develop, publish and maintain an action tracker matrix (spreadsheet).  Standard items will include issue or action item, its owner, due dates and key detailed notes.

  • As required, follow up with owners.

  • Utilize collaborative or cloud based tools as required.


  • Drive team to insure resource requirements including staffing, material, and capital are defined and maintained.  Resolve resource gaps and conflicts.

  • Define and manage project to agreed upon budget.  Highlight and resolve any variance.


  • Collaborate with team to identify risks, its liklihood and impact.

  • Facilitate cross functional discussions to precipitate risk items.  Focus on developing and implementing reasonable mitigation steps.


  • Define program phases and phase objectives.

  • Administer and facilitate cross functional gate reviews.


       Administer a 6 phase PLC format.  Note:  For startups, an abridged

      version with appropriate omissions will apply.

  1. CONCEPT PHASE - Key elements include: MRD approval, high level technical feasibility assessment, product concept solution fully understood and draft PRD published.

  2. PLANNING PHASE - Key elements include: PRD approved, preliminary BOM, cross functional design reviews, DFx Requirements agreement, Engineering Development plan completed, Sales/Marketing plan set.

  3. DEVELOPMENT PHASE - Key elements include: cross functional design reviews with action plan implemented and results available, DFx reviews and feedback from contract manufacturer, EVT plan complete and initial tests complete

  4. VERIFICATION PHASE - Key elements include: EVT results, design for supply chain, detailed documentations (BOM, drawings, etc), complete DVT and complete agency (FCC, UL, TuV) approval plan.

  5. VALIDATION PHASE - Key elements include: readiness reviews (manufacturing test, materials, orderability), certification/regulatory approval and pilot production results acceptable.

  6. PRODUCTION PHASE - Key elements include: BOM update as needed, customer support training, service, support and RMA.


  • Define and maintain program objectives and success criteria.

  • Insure validation plans for performance and reliability is consistent with MRD, PRD and ERD are developed and executed.

  • Insure design reviews are held and design objectives are met.

  • Insure build plan is defined, maintained consistent with requirements and executed to.

  • Manage allocation of available units to external and external requirements is done effectively.

  • Insure program transfer plan is developed, maintained and executed.

  • Identify and anchor roles and responsibilities of team members.  Utilize RACI format as required.

  • Facilitate a lessons learned (AKA post mortem or reflection) of the project.  Document to use to improve future projects.

  • More....

"Jason embraced his assigned combat vehicle program and took control of the disjointed efforts by integrating the design and test engineers. He did an exceptional job in negotiating, prioritizing, planning, scheduling, and executing our test activities, while breaking log jams and communicating a clear plan to the Project organization. He is especially skillful in conducting cross functional meetings with the ability to scrutinize technical details. Jason is thorough, methodical, works tirelessly, and has a deep commitment to accomplishing his goals.  

       Bryan Talmage - Engineering Manager at BAE Systems (Defense Contractor)

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