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NPI Program Manager 


Jason is a high energy, optimistic and effective NPI Program Manager. Drawing upon more than 25 years of Engineering and Project Management experience, Jason helped a variety of small and midsize start-up companies including Prysm, Silver Springs Network and Aperia Technologies meet corporate objectives. He began his career at General Motors as a technical noise and vibration development engineer.  Later he moved on to Engineering, Manufacturing, Test and Project Management positions at Toyota, Solyndra, BAE Systems and Stanford University.  Interests include snow skiing, SCUBA diving, hiking, fitness training and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu (wrestling martial art).


Jason holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and is a recipient of the Corbett Foundation Scholarship.

"Jason’s strengths: A superb ability to approach problems and touchy situations in a completely neutral way dispelling any “drama” about his intentions. He doesn’t shy away or avoid difficult challenges affecting the program. 

              Greg Podshadley - VP of Operations,  Prysm Inc (200 person startup)

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